Change Log
This release is a temporary fix while we work on ensuring stability in rendering. These changes will be reverted at a later date
- UI elements added to let users know to THAW terrains before rendering
- Added in function to override the render hotkeys (allows TT5 to automatically THAW)
- Added toggle to disable hotkey override
- Addressed crashing when render starts
- Addressed Terrain not updating in the render if viewport LOD setto <1
- Camera cull presets for scatter
- Icons created for Grid Presets
- Find Missing now will fix any broken libraries links associated with TT
- Faster way of creating water grid for simulations (uvs instead of raycast)
- Drawing path mask curve after deleting a river water was crashing due to saved properties from last operation.
- Set correct display_name for subcategories when importing packs
- Scatter selected was throwing error when no active layer was found
- Undo in Attribute Paint was crashing
- Remove floating scattered items when using camera mask
- Float curves missing values
- Cliffs_Less icon fixed
- Terrain Adaptive Subdivision extend towards camera no longer extends away from camera as well
- Allow for thawing terrain even if no bake can be found
- Better stability of scatter objects existance
- Simulation layer Random not working
- Ensure terrain material is always applied after erosion even if it wasn't applied before baking
- Simulation water layer attribute source did not work
- More accurate river mesh density
- Save material settings for scatter objects of multi-layer presets
v5.0.0 (v65)
Note: This is the release of True-Terrain 5 out of Early Access. Future versions will not include the 4th positional version number.
New Features
- New Rock procedural shader layer type
- Rock procedural material added along with icon
- Apply River Meander
- Statistics panel section
- Water Shader Caustics Source setting (Texture vs Geometry)
- Different ui rendering of presets apply and edit buttons
- New Snow UI
- Procedural materials moved to legacy, new proc materials blend added with NEW snow and Snow icon
- Redo River's terrain deformation
- Disable Backface and Terrain Culling by default on cam cull masks
- Better lake shore handling and new edge blending options
- Ensure pinned object and asset browser stuff in the header is always visible somewhere
- Missing file icon for asset editing lists and hovering now gives tooltip
- Remove adding and removing procedural shader in prefs
- Remove irrelevant options from procedural asset editing menu in prefs
- 1.5-2x speed up for all terrain layers
- Scatter 2-3x faster (depending upon terrain density, distribution density, and masks)
- Better header of the old Grid section in the Terrain Global Settings
- Grey out Wave UI when section toggle is disabled
- Grey out crest foam distance prop when not enabled
- Put Distance setting in as the property of Around Objects foam with toggle to left now
- Add in Shore Foam toggle
- Grey out Foam UI when disabled
- Make crest foam toggle distinct from whole foam toggle
- Change the name of `Limit Viewport Amount` to `Limit VTerrain Resolution (Viewport)` in prefs
- Hide preset adding in packs behind dev lock as well
- Only allow and make visible changing what is in a pack or not if dev extras is enabled
- Hide optimize scatter blend file(s) option behind dev lock
- Add lines to main titles in asset data
- Reduce the anchor icon size for better margins
- New Scale by Axis icon
- Set grid settings dropdown to be open by default
- Added descriptions to main tabs for tooltips
- UI Updates to switch from popup panels to dropdowns
- Terrain Noise UI redone for better ease of use
- Asset -> Asset Setup in prefs header
- Add descriptions to Asset and Addon headers in prefs
- Replaced toggle with drop down menu for changing how to choose how many assets to scatter
- Caustic Type options now available in Water. Type 0 is texture based, Type 1 is geometry based
- Allow for saving scatter around mask layers selection
- Allow for selecting an initial water layer if not doing a multilayer preset
- New "Missing Icon" icon and default asset/no asset icon set icon
- Ensure the "Default" preset is first and in own section. Also has a new icon
- Put categories All and Packs at top in separate section of categories list
- Allow for switching tabs when file is saved, has a tt terrain, and the nodes modifier is disabled
- Shader copy and paste not working
- Shader duplicate layer not working
- Shader menu missing remove all, remove selected, and clear cache operators
- Error when trying to create item with non-existant default preset set
- Getting active layer throwing error
- Ensure scatter points are visible when water is used
- Ordering assets in the preferences not staying after restart of Blender
- fixed the foam presets not saving other foam shader information. Remade presets and fixed the missing values
- Error when adding water as sep object
- Pasting modifier not working
- Setting file paths in asset editing now updates the missing file icon in the asset list
- Don't display 'Use Waves' label in UI List
- Waves toggle not affecting ocean layer when set to adaptive res
- Adding assets when none exist threw errors
- Not correctly handling when no textures are installed
- Errors and crashes during moving of asset path
- Moving empty asset path sometimes caused issues and confusion
- Better reporting of files transfer progress in Import From Previous
- Setting up Adaptive Subdivision threw error
- Scatter Groups still processing children layers when disabled
- Don't freeze layers when prefs disable it
- Better grammar in the descriptions of the options in the combine type of the store as attribute stuff
- Erosion artefacts no longer poking out the mesh
- Add back in Base Resolution for Distance based AS in terrain
- fixes for geo shader helpers on non-tt objects
- Setting 2 shader path masks to the same path not working
- Adding new systems afteradding shader masks with geo helpers disconnects helpers
- update `Last Modified` for presets when changing name, description, and author in prefs
- Don't try and show missing files for categories
- Don't try to set bake_mode if bake_data doesn't exist (weird random error)
- don't require screeninfo (causing issues on Mac)
- Asset Browser scattering wasn't working if there was no active layer or the active layer was a group
- Lake layer not moving in z axis when set to use AS
- Preset Icons weren't loading correctly in asset browser
- Sometimes switch back to terrain wouldn't unfreeze the terrain correctly
- Ensure `Create Terrain` function is visible when nothing is selected though something is active
New Features
- Float Curve presets
- Open up Changelog webpage
- Automatically handle viewport amount if limiting is on
- Added Viewport Limit Settings in Prefs
- Add Fuzzy Search to all asset/heightmap search functions
- New Presets:
- Scatter
- Multi-Masks - 4 presets
- Masks
- Attribute - 1 presets
- Slope - 3 presets
- Texture - 6 presets
- Normal - 3 presets
- Path - 12 presets
- Scatter Around -6 presets
- Shader
- Texture Layer -6 presets
- Float Curves -6 presets
- Scatter
- TT Logo icon now takes them to the tvfx website
- Single Preset icon changes to match multi icon colors
- Set minimum inside iterations to 2
- Diorama material default values fixed for better overall look:
- Default layers from 20 to 50
- Warping amount from 0.914 to 0.25
- Lava amount set to 0.45
- Water Volume Changes:
- Scatter value reduced to 0.75 from 3
- Absorption now affects Scatter volume by a mutliply factor of 0.15
- Scatter value reduced to 0.75 from 3
- New TT Logo
- Set Minimum values for terrain settings
- Change Advanced tab for Terrain Noise Layer to be named Domain Warping instead
- Move Shader to be last tab in main tabs to help users' workflow be more in line with the way TT works and movement of data in geo nodes-> shader nodes
- Move around river terrain deformation settings to be more coherrant
- Remove glass "Color" setting from water in favor of changing it in Volume
- Ensure preset popovers explain that they are presets in the tooltip
- New preset icons for layer and multi item presets
- Default Height Maximum set to 100m and Density to 0.0001 for the random source setting of the Simulation layer of water
- Better label for removing smaller water islands in water simulation layer
- Disable outside settings in AS if toggle is disabled
- Put outside settings of AS settings in own panel
- Put outside settings of AS settings in own panel
- Don't show IOR setting for foam
- Add geo wave and foam settings to the non-tt material UI of the Surface tab
- Icon based Logo in side panel header
- Make the anchoring the visible setting on the height settings drop down and change icon to an anchor
- New mask icon
- Accidentally setting diarama material onto instances
- If input was empty for an ID type error was thrown
- Wrong preset was being selected for scatter mask creation
- Scatter Around Modifier node group needed to be made unique upon creation
- Ensure loading from blend for procedurals icons are grabbed as well
- Export as Heightmap not working
- Don't show bake object to heightmap twice
- Procedural shader presets not showing up
- Procedural shaders unable to be added
- Grey out "Size Threshold" when disabled in Water Simulation layer
- Water layers not in alphabetical order
- Ensure to show the layer settings like normal when adding in a heightmap layer
- Bake nodes inhibiting correct mixing between layers
- Water caustics now disperse properly when using dispersion
- Open Presets folder button in prefs
- Preset icons now display preset dropdown menus when adding a layer or system
- Better ensurement that all core presets are included
- Force Sort Presets by Name
- Name of presets getting messed up
- (Hopeful) Names of presets getting messed up in the icon picker version
- Ensure storing and applying input values is correct for json
- Set default color spaces to None to let tt figure it out based on available options. (Enables ACES Support)
- Added Functions to verify and find missing files. Can choose a tt_pack file or directory to locate missing assets
- Attribute Search. Now in the ui when given the opportunity to input an attribute, unexpected attributes are hidden. So random ones like ".select_edge" are no longer visible. If you want to see them click the "Show All Attributes toggle" next to the search field OR if it's your own attribute you've added add "_utvfx" to the end of it and it should be found.
- Toggle whether or not to auto set camera clip ends on creation of terrain in preferences
- Core Presets:
- Shaders
- Anti-Tiles - 3 presets
- Masks
- Attribute - 4 presets
- Path - 6 presets
- Slope - 6 presets
- Texture - 33 presets
- Valley - 4 presets
- Terrains
- Grid - 4 presets
- Layers
- Noise - 10 presets
- Texture - 25 presets
- Multi-Layers - 4 presets
- Waters
- Foam - 5 presets
- Shaders
- Volume - 9 presets
- Waves - 13 presets
- Shaders
- Make wave and foam settings individualize to each layer
- Toggle waves per layer in ui list
- Reload Icons button in prefs
- Warning displayed in sidepanel ui when Translate New Data is enabled which causes issues when bringing in nodes
- Verify assets after import of pack or from previous
- Universalize global settings area above layer settings across the sections.
- On creation of new terrain system set all cameras to a minimum clip end of terrain size * 2
- Adaptive Subdivision updated to use one from Water Section. Faster and more accurate
- When adding in new terrain layer, if it's the first/only layer in system always disable math in blending
- Remove old attribute setting menu and buttons
- Draw Red Dot in UI list to indicate missing files in preferences
- Move global material settings to above layer settings like in other sections
- Remove shader presets from beside material picker
- Add Invert settings to Terrain Noise layer
- Put in factor sliders for sub noises in terrain noise layer
- Speed up Plateau layer by 4x
- Update Attribute Names for new attribute search recognition
- Various warnings in water concerning when settings might be frozen due to caching
- Save Store as Attribute for masks stack
- Save Store As Attribute in json
- Save UV attribute from Texture Mask
- Save preset thumbnails relative to the JSON path
- Put 'Reload Presets' in prefs above Import Presets
- let icon setting button open to existing directory both in and out of blender
- Rename water waves Frame and Simulation toggle labels to Static and Animation
- Export core presets in updates
- limit icon selection for presets to image files in file browser
- Add in info icon with description for Layer Objects
- Rename `Scatter Objects` to `Layer Objects`
- Display presets as icon picker
- Add in `Displacement Method` Setting in the Material Settings of the Shader Section
- Make 'Remove Smaller' threshold setting relative to the largest mesh
- Set 'Fixed' to be the default of the water sim mesh resolution type
- Match water tabs height with other sections
- Changelog now comes in zip file of addon
- Make shader layers menu like the other sections
- Adaptive Subdivision updated fixes issues with overlapping and non-merged faces/vertices and calculations for subdividing inside the camera frustrum are much more accurate
- Tie packs to their categories more closely and better reloading after importing pack
- Reload packs after importing to show new pack in prefs and categories
- Some Adaptive Subdivision settings didn't have lower ends
- Adaptive Subdivision extending towards camera correctly removes "outside" faces where "Extend" puts new subdivided faces
- Don't store/apply terrain layer modifiers in layer-settings only presets
- Better handling and reporting of reloading addon for import pack and import from previous
- (Hopeful) move all reloading of the addon to the new version
- Noise Terrain Layer not working when Voronoi is set to N-Sphere Radius
- MultiTerrain Presets not exporting correctly
- Removing Remap Values mask causing errors
- Randomize node ensure Detail goes between 0-1 and not 0-15
- Clean preset names for file saving
- Ensure Presets Menu items have stable menu uid
- Presets not saving or loading edited data correctly
- Don't allow for putting presets in things that don't have groups
- Bug when adding a material to an object for which a material slot exists but no material had yet been assigned
- Water Waves Presets not showing settings
- Export Presets with Icons
- Water material presets were affecting the Geometry settings
- Icons not becoming local when adding or editing
- Don't show 'Place Multi-Layers Preset in Group' setting if it doesn't exist
- Duplicate Scatter layers removed the assets from the source layer's scatter objects
- Exclude Water from adding presets into a group
- Storing ID type causing errors when no ID is set
- Flip river mesh so normals point up instead of down
- Ensure terrain texture masks work when applying object transforms
- Disable texture map settings panel from displaying other than as a popover
- Option between Geometry (old) and Shader (new) foam mask
- Shader Wetness
- Apply Object Transform (Terrain): When enabled allows for duplicating a terrain mesh and moving it around and having multiple objects that make up the same terrain. Currently no settings can be unique per object in the True-Terrain panel. Only settings in the Object, Modifiers, and Constraint tabs of the Properties area can be changed (since they do not interact with Geo-Nodes)
- Create Separate Water Object default setting in the preferences
- Put multi-layer presets in group by default toggle
- Terrain Diorama: Add walls going downwards on your terrain
- Duplicate Water Object: Ensure a water object is duplicated but then made unique from its source
- Convert layer(s) to separate objects and vice versa
- Make Export Presets visible to normal users
- Grey out Preview Radius in scatter layer settings when Show Particles not enabled
- Update label for removing terrain system
- Allow setting for making a preset the default when creating a new preset
- Shader Filter Spots ui rearrange
- Move shader layer map type toggles to menu in Settings header
- New icon to distinguish single item presets from multi-item presets
- Terrain Blend global settings ui hide under dropdown
- Add labels to attribute buttons to help explain
- Move multi-item presets button above move item buttons to separate from single item presets buttons
- Add menu to water objects
- Dirt Filter unclamp Dirt Amount
- Shader filters didn't have descriptions (when enabled)
- Scatter settings and labels were shown in Terrain Culling
- Change labels on shader settings if alternative map type is enabled
- Enable creating water as separate object by default if no object is selected when adding water
- Update to handle auto freezing layers when terrain doesn't exist
- Ensure all settings are visible in Scatter menu when no layers exist
- `Water Presets` in add functions
- `Remove Terrain and Scatter Systems` menu option
- `Draw Curve` operator for River layers
- Quick `Add Empty` button for Water Lake layer position setting
- Links in Preferences for joining the discord, documentation, YouTube tutorials, feature requests, and seeing our other addons
- `Lake: Shoreline Terrain Deformation`: Helps ensure lakes stay within terrain deformation radius
- Better `Attribute Handling`
- New UI for seeing what masks created and are editing a certain attribute across all sections (Geometry, Scatter, Shader)
- Display the UI settings for masks that edit an attribute in Attribute Masks
- `River: Ensure Downhill`: When enabled the river curve will be edited so that no part of the river is higher than what came before it as rivers don't really go uphill.
- `Startup Guide`: Now when installing for the first time (or at least first time since this update) a startup guide will help the user go through the important settings so they know what they should do upon installation.
- Only show 'Height' setting on ocean if not separate water object
- Better error handling for baking textures on geo nodes
- Geometry Tab now named Terrain
- River resolution just a density setting
- Removal of changing river attribute names in UI
- Shore renamed to Bank and removal of River Movement in UI
- Breadcrumbs are now more apparent and obvious that they are clickable, that only the last 3 levels are visible, and the head level button is no longer `...` but instead a home icon
- AS on separate water object not working
- Don't try and store unexpected properties from nodes
- Wave Direction (Angle) setting not working when waves set to simulation
- Don't freeze terrain when switching between tabs that aren't Terrain/Geometry
- Show Water tab when Auto Freeze Layers is disabled
- Ocean disappearing when cut-out enabled
- Don't show deprecated Resolution Width setting in Lake layer
- Set water height to inf when not over the terrain for correct foam creation
- Don't unset terrain when creating water that isn't a separate object
- Scatter object materials not showing
- Scatter object materials not reloading materials when switching quality levels
- Don't show debug box on baked texture column
- bject: Create a water object that is separate from another mesh. Only a single water type (Lake or Ocean for now) is allowed per water object.
- Apply Object Transformations: keep waves in place instead of moving with mesh. Usefully mainly if aligning water objects
- Around Objects Foam: add foam around objects in the water. (Previously option was there in the main Foam panel to set a collection of objects but foam would not show up in the shader)
- `Clear Existing` in Import from Previous no longer enabled by default
- Max value of Dispersion now 1 instead of 10
- Lake Terrain Deformation Radius Randomization set to Normal instead of Circular by default (better out-of-box look)
- Lake Terrain Deformation no longer taking into account lake height
- Pinned object is ignored when not in scene (ie deleted from the 3D viewport but not yet from the blend file)
- Adaptive Sampling in water sometimes had duplicate faces masking the smaller details
- Water dispersion funkiness
- Lake not calculating edge of bounds correctly
- Don't set bake options when setting up Scatter System
- Lake deformation no longer disappears when the lake goes fully below ground
- Problems with detecting True-Terrain 4 in Import from Previous when True-Terrain 4 is installed as extension in Blender 4.2
- Removal of Scatter Object incorrectly handled
v5.0.0.59 - Water Update
Blender 4.2 Minimum
- Better adaptive subdivision system used on Water only right now (will be ported to terrains)
- Water system (layer based)
- Lakes
- Eyedropper system to place lakes
- Oceans
- Rivers (via curve)
- Meander system
- Flatten Rivers
- Simulation (bucker drop system)
- Animated
- Random Formation
- Collection based
- Whole Terrain
- Attribute based
- Water Shader
- New volume system
- Better caustic handling
- Slight optimisation in dispersion
- New normal maps
- Toggle wave layers
- More accurate wave details
- New layout
- Optimised controls
- Foam System
- Shoreline
- Collections
- New Foam textures
- Foam layer toggles (upto 3 combined layers)
- Water Presets (non-installed)
- Blender 4.2 minimum
- Use new matrix sockets (1.4x speed increase)
- Erosion speed up by 2x 6X
- Hide original terrain when painting
- Attempt to stop Blender crashes when reloading the addon
- Allow for single frame baking of erosion
- Remove shadow terminator offset (made terrains look smoother. Breaks water. Also was incorrect from the start. Live with the jaggies or smooth them out)
- Possible bug occurrence when the output-node was needed when creating a terrain
- Assigning all masks to attribute wasn't working
- An issue with attribute paint not working as intended sometimes
- Better data clean-up. Should lead to more stability with descriptions enabled
- Better clear cache functions
- Should no longer crash when exiting paint mode using `TAB`
- Attribute_obj not set by getting obj by name
- orjson didn't have a 'load' function
- Adaptive Subdivision grid had X and Y switched
- Terrain presets gave error when importing to current mesh
Tue-Terrain v5.0.0.58
Blender 4.1 ONLY
- Scatter Presets support for Asset Browser
- Store Mask(s) as Attribute: Enable linking across the sections of True-Terrain by storing masks and using them in other sections with an Attribute Mask
- Warning now shows if camera is being looked through and camera clipping end is estimated to be too low
- Adaptive Subdivision added to the Terrain grid
- Allow for presets to be set as defaults when creating systems or adding in layers or modifiers.
- Presets in packs: Presets will now come in packs. Importing and exporting of presets to their own standalone file will be deprecated.
- Creation Panels: Now when creating a new system (terrain, scatter, etc) a panel will show up to allow for choosing relevant assets (if applicable) and presets.
- Scatter using target (max) density or old way with just a target count
- Terrain Culling as a part of Camera Culling mask for Scatter
- Assume Defaults toggle in prefs to not show preset/asset popups when creating items
- Icon render scene for materials: Removed bad lighting and put good lighting in
- Don't show tt buttons in TA Online Assets library
- Have objects and height maps use more efficient way of checking if an item is local
- Update ujson to newer version
- Allow Attribute Mask to more regularly use the attributes on the mesh first for stuff like Scatter
- Do not let erosion be used with new Adaptive Subdivision grid option
- Adding presets to Pack in prefs and buttons for auto add/remove (in)compatible presets to packs
- Show a panel to decide presets when creating a terrain
- Add No Elements Message to Shader Layers
- Display button for creating a new terrain if no object is pinned and a no TT-terrain object is active
- TT Library button crash fix
- Update Asset Browser paths when asset_path is moved
- Re-Enable a bunch of stuff for objects
- Move asset browser files when asset_path is moved
- Error when removing scatter object
- Masks that need normals not working on when placed on a scatter group
- Shader to use better method Fixes #63
- Removal of all drivers in terrain_gen.blend
- Change the Mid Anchor and no longer brings in an extra scene to user's blends from terrain_gen
- Ensure total terrain recalculation when rendering to ensure no viewport only things are carried over into rendering
- Patch Mask transforms were randomly disconnected
- Patch Mask "Add" input wasn't connected properly
- Draw curve could be messed up by other addons having constant modals running via timers
True-Terrain v5.0.0.57
Blender 4.1 ONLY
- Auto Render Icon for materials: you no longer need to setup, render, and set an icon manually for custom installed materials. True-Terrain will now automatically render and set the icon for you. Click the camera button next to a texture's icon in the preferences. Batch rendering is also supported located in the textures menu in the preferences.
- New Anti-Tiling settings for better blending between tiles.
- New Preset System:
- Shader layers and settings, masks and settings, filters and settings, filter masks and settings, and anit-tile
- Float and Vector Curve Presets
- Terrain grid, layers and settings, masks and settings, and modifiers and settings
- Scatter layers and settings, masks and settings, modifiers and settings, rotation modifiers and settings, and scatter objects
- You can edit the common basic settings in the addon preferences
- Importing of preset packs is also supported
- Scatter Traverse Layer through Groups
- Add all selected TT assets in asset browser by pressing a button in the header
- Clear Cache options for hopeful fixes of random bugs
- Thaw Frozen Terrain Layers menu option
- Allow for disabling descriptions to help with crashing. Toggle found in Addon Preferences
- Stop terrain layer transformation values from being animated until matrix sockets are implemented
- Allow for setting a shader layer's asset when none has been set
- Better Water Mesh boundary creation and erosion on mesh
- Move to Group into the better Traversal function
- Remove presets button when there isn't a material on the active object. Will add back to a creation popup in future release
- Set Terrain Blending settings enable `Use Math` and math then set to `Smooth Maximum` by default
- Display reloading addon message on completion of pack importing
- Allow setting no object for scatter layer when presets try and use an object that isn't installed
- Have descriptions turned off by default for speed and stability
- Don't save assets json when just changing asset path and not moving
- Patch Mask - Various links not correctly connected
- Ensure 'Use Voronoi' accurately represents its node input
- formatting size on disk bad argument error when exporting packs
- Error on cancelation of importing a pack
- Procedural setting name fixes
- Make sure to use each type's way of getting the easing type
- Various fixes to ensure copying/saving easing and ramp data is correct
- Ensure Color sockets show up as Color setting props
- Remove problematic animation settings from filters
- Show no items message for filter masks instead of errorring
- Shader Attribute Mask easing custom curve not showing up
- Scatter Cam Cull not working
- Ensure Geo easing nodes are made unique
- ZEB wasn't copy/pasting randomize falloff data
- handle when frozen_layer_path points to deleted layer
- Remap Values terrain modifiers use index switch
- Better reporting with removing files when importing from previous
- Ensure Panel header bool label display correctly when pin is enabled
- Scatter modifiers on groups weren't working
- Copy wasn't working when the dict keys weren't strings
- Terrain group traversal wasn't working
- Copy active scatter layer wasn't showing
- Don't allow applying presets at root layer of tt sections, nor adding or edit multi-item presets when there aren't any items to use as the source
- Ensure the scatter around layer exists before trying to apply the dict to it
- Better Terrain layer cache clearing to fix modifiers not being added correctly
- Ensure modifier caches are being cleared on scatter layer cache clearing too
- Erosion caused scatter to be disconnected
- Add in Scatter Objects menu and copy/paste functions and use it instead of the Scatter Layers menu
- Apply rotations to normal maps when using anti-tile
- Unify json writing with error handling and debugging
- Better handling of no layers in Terrain Layer Menu
- Ensure ZEB Mask values are cleared when clearing the cache
True-Terrain v5.0.0.56
Blender 4.1 ONLY
- Import/Export Objects
- Calc and show file sizes for all assets types in the prefs
- Terrain Camera Culling
- Bake any object to height map
- Add in new Modifiers section for Scatter section
- Scatter `Snap To` Rotation Setting
- Asset Browser Integration
- Adds buttons and menus to the asset browser to filter and add assets and presets to the object's True-Terrain data. Ex: Drag and drop objects to scatter or materials to add a new shader layer.
- Adds button to make installed True-Terrain assets and presets available in the asset browser and able to filter by True-Terrain asset types.
- Allows for adding non-TT materials in as shader layers
- Once setup importing new packs will update the asset browser
- Import texture(s) from directory: Installs new texture asset(s) from a directory and all subdirectories recursively. Uses the following keywords for each texture type:
- Color: diffuse, diff, albedo, base, col, color
- Roughness: roughness, rough, rgh, gloss
- Normal: normal, nor, nrm, nrml, norm
- Height: displacement, displace, disp, dsp, height, heightmap, bmp, bump
- Metallic: metallic, metalness, mtl
- Specular: specularity, specular, spec, spc
- Opacity: opacity, alpha, transparent
- AO: ao, occlusion
- Emit: emis, emit
- Preview: preview, icon
- Update Checker: Checks for updates to True-Terrain upon opening Blender and notifies the user if there are updates available
- Use tabs instead of dropdowns for `Asset Data` editing in the prefs
- Display icon when no scatter object was set
- Set the shader transform panel to be open by default
- Allow changing quality level with menu scatter object UI list
- Switch from using density to letting users put in a target amount for scattering
- Make Shader Anti-Tile Cell Size relative to the layer's scale
- Move more commonly messed with settings up and others down into dropdowns (now open by default)
- Create Terrain button same height now as other tabs' Add buttons
- Pin Object by Default
- Path Mask drawing confirm on release
- Updated the prefs setting to match new Scatter Viewport Limit
- Put Preferences Settings section in a box to help separate
- Don't show geometry subpanels if terrain is not active
- Move Shader `Mask` and `Filter` to main settings tabs
- Moved Clumping to new Modifiers section of Scatter
- Make Scatter Clumping a Scatter Modifier
- Add Z offset value to Flatten Area modifer with option of using an object to set offset height
- Change the "Bake" naming for exporting heightmaps, to "Export Heightmap"
- Offset Maximum is relative to the Offset setting. So if Offset is 0.5, and Offset Maximum is 0.6, instances will be offset randomly between 0.5 and 1.1
- Scatter Clumping point to top of parent asset instead of going all the way to the floor
- Turn Clump Parent Amount into an integer target instead of percentage
- Add option to install exported height map to Export [Terrain] as Height Map
- Scale values were added between groups and children instead of multiply
- Display rotations as degrees instead of radians
- Automatically select all objects in a quality level if trying to scatter it but no items were selected to scatter
- Don't try and freeze on main_tabs change if blend file is not saved
- Set main group node's attribute prefix so they can be referenced
- Convert Mesh with Scatter to use TT Terrain now actually converts
- Better Attribute Painting
- Cam Cull Mask RayCast wasn't working
- Scatter Cam Culling Backfacing Culling not working
- Don't try and freeze/thaw terrain unless blend file is saved
- Material adding on non-geo nodes meshes
- Ensure erosion and cam culling don't show up in geometry section if active mesh is not a geo nodes mesh
True-Terrain v5.0.0.55
Blender 4.1 ONLY
- Show Objects as Bounds. Display the bounding box of the layer's objects instead for roughly 1fps speedup. Toggle is located between the `Likelihood` and `Visibility` setting in the `Scatter Objects` list
- Scatter Groups have relative control over children layers
- Terrain Layer Caching. Ability to cache or freeze layers either automatically or manually. Scatter will get this as well once the bake node is fixed to not remove materials from instances
- Add in Icons for the main tabs
- Known Attribute Menu. A Menu now appears next to attribute inputs that allows you to select from a list of known True-Terrain attributes
- Random phrases when no items exist yet (just for fun)
- Add `Use Active Camera` to shader distance mask
- Add icons to ZEB shape enum
- Display Object Layer Materials
- Install Selected as Object Asset. Right Click Menu in outliner
- Scatter Selected Objects viewport/outliner. Right Click Menu in viewport or outliner. Scatter selected objects
- Implement Scatter Scene Objects
- Optimize scatter object blends
- Object Assets data setup
- Multi-Objects per Scatter Layer. Now a single scatter layer can have multiple objects so that they won't be scattered on top of each other. Amount is controlled by the `Likelihood` setting
- Remove Musgrave since merge with Noise
- Allow for importing from previous only certain asset types
- Set whole line red if map path does not exist
- Grey out Terrain Detail Map settings if not map is set
- Update minimum Blender version to 4.1
- Bake Terrain set file name by default and change extension in file browser when changing extension menu
- FROM TT4.x: Scatter Around Mask - Scatter Around Mask may only scatter around the layers that came before it
- Move terrain and shader (and scatter) main settings out of box in UI
- Set `Noise` terrain layer not `Texture` layer to be a height of 5 by default
- In Blender 4.1 material displacement mode is now directly inside the material id object instead of mat.cycles
- blf.size 4.0 changes
- Save data after height map file path is set
- Error thrown for height map detail map when it doesn't exist
- object loading in TTAssetSettings
- object loading in TTAssetSettings
- texture ID assignment in BPY_Texture class
- subcategory check in TT_SubCategory class
- Poorly converted sockets causing WARN's in terminal
- Move main tabs to window_manager data area to prevent triggering geometry nodes recalculations when changing the tabs
True-Terrain v5.0.0.54
- Set max asset icon Resolution: Change the icon resolution in the prefs
- Color map (texture Albedo) as icon option when choosing icons for textures (Preferences)
- Create curve button added in the curve modifier (geometry): Will put you into curve draw mode, ESC or Right-click willl exit, ENTER will complete
- Paint Shader Attribute: Now paint on your terrain under the attribute mask
- Move Update Node Groups and Find Missing to NEW True-Terrain menu in the View 3D area (CHANGE/NEW)
- Move Import From Previous to be in the Asset Data area
- Split Information area up into 2 new areas for Assets and Addon information
- Set terrain layer list to match side buttons
- Arrange shader layer list side buttons to match the other lists side buttons
- Set shader layer list default height to match side buttons
- Quality Level enum not updating when new level is added
- Fix geo mod curve randomness. Add in smoothing for randomness values (FIX/NEW)
- Move import pack progress bar up to where button is at top of prefs
- Shader Mods move highlight down after removing
- Shader Mods set highlight to last after adding
- Correct op argument keyword
- Filters not copying correctly
- Only allow local shader previewing of masks
- Previewing shader layer sometimes didn't work
- Un-highlight shader mod preview buttons when previewing shader layers and vice-versa
- Ensure preview is undone when removing shader layer or modifier
- Ensure correct output is linked when previewing shader layer while currently previewing shader modifier
- Reset Asset Path erroring out due to default folder having assets in it
- Show preview shader modifier outside of dev extras
- Allow for directory creation when reseting asset path to default
- Return the directory path that is actually checked
True-Terrain v5.0.0.53
- Add Category Settings Edit section in preferences
- Terrain Modifier - Curve: Use a curve to modify the terrain for rivers, valleys, roads, mountains, etc.
- Convert DevOps to Junction link so it'll be synced
- Combine Move Asset Path with Change Path (No Move)
- Display error icon if file is missing in prefs
- Shader Slope mask match algorithm used for Geometry
- Set Shading Offset to 0.2 when creating a TT object mesh
- Put Icons in the Addon Prefs for each asset type header
- Move Import Pack to a better place in the prefs
- Add icons to the 3 operators next to the information section in the Addon Preferences
- Duplicate correct layer after adding new one
- Image Extension not being copied
- Don't build asset lists per subcategory. Use existing lists
- Only set default height map amount if it does exist
- Don't show if no preferences item is active
- Print traceback on error when adding a category that doesn't exist
- Import to same pack name if it already exists (for split packs)
- Add json to each split pack when exporting
- Allow assets to not have an icon when importing from previous
- Ensure new pack is used if need to create
- Add back in simple water material to erosion
- After import set imported pack as the active pack in prefs
- Corrected Attribute Mask
- Display correct file path for textures in prefs
- Limit MacOS to 128x128 icon previews
- Slope Mask not inverting correctly
True-Terrain v5.
- Bring in known TVFX height maps from TT4 at 0.5 instead of 0.15 so they're not so flat
- Duplicate correct layer after adding new one
- Image Extension not being copied
True-Terrain v5.
- Scaling on shader layer accidentally set to 0,0,0 by default effectively disabling scaling all together for textures
True-Terrain v5.
- Dev Features now exist behind a password
- Add a message concerning scattering in the UI
- Include '5' in the TT5 Panel Header and Addon name in the Prefs
- Poorly converted sockets causing warnings in the terminal
True-Terrain v5.
- Some default icons were being looked for with the wrong extension. Doesn't seem to have been causing issues but just in case
- Change Asset Path - Don't allow users to choose a folder with items in it. Prevents users from assuming they can import files just by pointing the asset path to it. Change Asset Path is only for moving existing files or for choose a (empty) folder to install assets to.
- Change Path (No Move) - Don't allow users to choose a TT4 directory. Change Path (No Move) only allows to point to an existing True-Terrain 5 asset directory.
- Remove broken terrain materials from terrain_gen.blend. Causing issues with shaders when imported first
True-Terrain v5.0.0.52
- Change message for some progress bar areas once they are complete
- Different heart icons for quickly adding textures to Favorites category
- Using Early Access now instead of Alpha
- Better handling of 1 channel images to icons for height maps
- Some layers rotate the wrong way when using the rotate gizmo
True-Terrain v5.0.0.51
- Shader Filters now have all have icons in the add menu and in the layer list
- Hide selection toggles for exporting packs if export button is not visible
- Better clean up of folders after moving assets
- Only remove height map icon if it is relative to the asset_path
- Make local all icons including optimized ones
- Ensure height map directory has been created before moving files to it
- Move all optimized texture icon files
- Standardize moving icons
- Ensure only icons relative to the asset path are removed
True-Terrain v5.0.0.50
- Plateaus Layer: Scatter Plateaus across your terrain -- DOCS
- Terracing Modifier: Create terraces (steps) on your terrain -- DOCS
- Flatten Area Modifier: Flatten a specific area of your terrain -- DOCS
- Fix for copy, paste, and duplication of terrain modifiers
True-Terrain v5.
- Erosion outputs all attributes to both the terrain and water meshes for use in shaders.
- Example: Darken textures near the water to look wet
- Example: Muddy up your water based upon the sediment attribute
- Adding a Terrain Blending Texture mask resulted in an error
True-Terrain v5.0.0.49
- Erosion disable/enable button. Don't take up resources without removing erosion completely. Placed in the header of the erosion panel.
- Displace via normals. In the Blending tab for Geo Terrain stuff there's a new option to switch between displacing along the z-axis or using the normals from the previous layers. Only visible when the Use Math toggle is enabled
- Texture Terrain layer:
- Use the common texture nodes in Blender to displace terrain.
- Simpler to use than just the noise node and more textures to choose from.
- Minimum set to Blender 4.0 in addon prefs
- Move erosion add/remove to panel header
- More rearranging and relabeling of erosion settings for better UX
- In the Blending settings the Switch toggle has been moved from next to the Use Math to next to the math Operation drop down
- Side panel shows correct alpha version
- Geo Masks height, normal, and slope inverting weren't working properly
- Bug when showing non-group node input settings (like in remap masks)
- Handle erosion UI when no TT terrain is selected
True-Terrain v5.
Rearranged some erosion UI settings
- Added new water section with Initial Water, Rain Rate, and Evaporation Rate
- Erosion Rate correctly labeled and moved down to be with Deposition Rate
- Hardness is now split into Texture and Softening
- Hardness Texture includes (Hardness) Seed and Blur Amount
- Hardness Softening includes (Softening) Rate and (Softening) Minimum (both move from hydraulic)
- Enabling Import Error Fix
- Hardness Seed now works
True-Terrain v5.0.0.48
- Store UVs for terrain in attribute
- Erosion
- New subpanel for adding and editing erosion
- Can only be applied at the end of the terrain generation, ie no layers can be applied after erosion
- Settings are at defaults that have consistently given good yet reasonable fast (depending upon terrain resolution) results right out of the gate regardless of the terrain
- All settings should have descriptions. If you still don't understand what something does, play around with it and see what happens. If you still don't understand, ask in the Discord and I'll probably tell you that I don't really know either :laugh:
- Attributes are exported for use in shaders
- TT Sediment Amount: The amount of sediment that has been deposited at each vertex. Good for creating scree like effects
- TT Water Level: The height of the water at each vertex. Only when Water Mesh is generated and only stored on the water mesh for the assigned water material
- TT Water Velocity: The velocity of the water at each vertex. Only when Water Mesh is generated and only stored on the water mesh for the assigned water material
- Erosion Demo Video
- Shader Attribute Mask
- Choose an attribute to use as a mask for the shader
- Ensure height map icon is greyscale when converting from the height map
- New buttons for more easily choosing non-installed height maps on the height map terrain layers
- Updates for Blender 4.0. BLENDER 4.0 IS REQUIRED FOR THIS UPDATE
- Group Transversal wasn't renaming layers and would paste in reverse
- Switch back to using Blender's normal map node as it has been fixed
- Terrain Detail Map Strength should work now
- Deprecated file path method when adding a single height map
- Load height map icon after converting from file
True-Terrain v5.
- Shader Height Mask: enable its randomize descriptions which caused an error to be thrown when added
True-Terrain v5.
- Non-Path Shader Masks: enable their randomize descriptions which caused an error to be thrown when added
True-Terrain v5.0.0.47
- Shader Path Mask - create a mask for a shader layer or group that follows a curve. Also comes with a new noise mode that randomizes the path along the curve's normal
- Draw Curve - create a curve and enter edit mode with the draw tool active. If a curve is already set then that curve is what is used to enter edit mode.
- Material settings now should show descriptions instead of Default Value and Input value used for unconnected socket.
- Geo Terrain Viewport Amount affecting render due to poor implementation of limiting to a minimum of 2
True-Terrain v5.0.0.46
- Height Maps now use categories and subcategories and a new pop up panel appears when choosing a height map on a terrain image layer
- Remap Values Terrain Modifier. Modify the heights of an individual layer using a range or easing curves
- Only show Paint mask for shaders if mesh isn't TT geo nodes based
- Pop up message once completed
- Open image location after finished baking
- Can now change extension of exported height map
- Allow options to set min/max values of exported height map
- Update base version to 3.6 in the addon prefs
- Easier duplication of terrain masks/modifiers. No change for users
- Poll function was checking for non-existent things when no geo terrain existed
- Polling issue if object isn't a terrain
- Forgot to put a button for the height map baker in the UI
- Larger, more consistent thickness for the blue rotate gizmo
- Don't export blend# files greater than 10
- Do not ensure 'assets' at end of Asset Path. Was causing duplication of assets when changing asset path without moving
- Ensure category 'All' is always first
- Don't show register experimental icon picker that doesn't work
True-Terrain v5.0.0.45
- Copy/Paste Terrain Layers. Found in the menu between the add/remove buttons and the move buttons next to the layer list
- Copy Layer: Copy the active/highlighted item regardless of selection
- Copy Selected: Copy the items that have their checkbox enabled. Hold Alt while clicking to keep the items selected after copying
- Paste Settings to Layer: Replace all settings with the ones copied
- Paste Layers/Paste as New: Paste the item(s) copied as new item(s)
- Duplicate Layer
- Copy/Paste Terrain Layer Masks/Modifiers. Found in the menu between the add/remove buttons and the move buttons next to the masks/modifiers list
- Copy Active: Copy the active/highlighted item regardless of selection
- Copy Selected: Copy the items that have their checkbox enabled. Hold Alt while clicking to keep the items selected after copying
- Paste Settings: Replace all settings with the ones copied
- Paste Modifiers/Paste as New: Paste the item(s) copied as new item(s)
- Duplicate Layer
- Remove All terrain layers/masks/modifiers in the visible group
- Remove Selected terrain layers/masks/modifiers in the visible group
- Traverse Groups move selected layers (or active layer if none are selected) to a different group. Opens a panel for you to select any group that exists on the object to move the layer(s) to. Hold Alt to move the active layer regardless of selection. Found between the move up and and down arrows.
- Terrain Image layer icon is now an image icon instead of displacement
- Move layers now moves affects selected layers. If no layers are selected it will move the active layer. Hold Alt to move the active layer regardless of selection
- Incorrectly handled Color Input sockets when creating descriptions
- If the active object is None gizmos would not appear in the viewport after creating a new terrain object
- In the nodes the layer type wasn't always connecting to the transform data
- Ensure bpy.ops funcs use the correct object when pinned and not selected
- Handle when a height map's normal map node is not found
- Groups within groups were not transforming correctly
True-Terrain v5.0.0.44
- New report in the terminal when TT5 is fully loaded into Blender to help reduce confusion with other addons reporting after TT5 is loaded
- Trying out a new title style for the header of the TT5 panel in the sidebar
- ZEB is not using the new transform system and errors out when adding
True-Terrain v5.0.0.43
- Option to disable layer transform for ZEB mask. This allows you to keep the mask in the same position regardless of the layer transform or let it follow the layer transform.
- Global Terrain Height range, offset, and anchor settings. This allows the user to ensure their terrain is always within a certain height range or always starts or ends at certain places
- Adaptive Subdivision Presets. Now you can easily set our recommended settings for adaptive subdivision based upon the level of detail you'd like. To see the settings you'll need to have a subdivision modifier on your object with adaptive subdivision enabled.
- Transform Gizmo for Group Node
- Bake out height map. Now you can bake out the height map of your terrain to a texture. This is useful for exporting to other applications or for use in your own shaders. Currently only supports exporting at the same resolution as the terrain is in the viewport (that includes the viewport amount setting and any Blender modifiers)
- Terrain Layer Transform Operations
- Reset to Origin: Sets the layer to origin of the terrain object and resets the layer transform to default numbers regardless of parents' transforms
- Reset to Parent: Sets the layer to the parent's origin and resets the layer transform to default numbers
- Warning about possible problems in the subdivision subpanel and the active object is a TT5 terrain object.
- Removed the noise scale of the main section of the noise layer. Too confusing and basically acted as another seed setting
- More generic Reset To Default name and description
- Don't convert selected object to geo terrain. Only add in a new object
- Complete reworking of how layers are transformed and parented. This should fix a lot of issues with the layer transform and parenting.
- Missing Descriptions in the material section of height map layer
- Ensure minimum grid value of 2 when changing Viewport Amount
- Allow for deletion of TT Material the normal way in Blender
- Display correct vertex count in UI now that the lower limit is 2x2 grid
- Better gizmo mouse wrapping
- Tweaks to scale Gizmo for better UX
- Ensure terrain is still visible when adding in an empty group layer
True-Terrain v5.0.0.42
- Import Packs: Can select multiple .tt_pack files for importing (packs to come later)
- Added version info to panel
- Changed icon default extension to be '.webp'. Smaller file sizes and includes alpha channel. Users shouldn't notice anything different.
- When adding icons or importing from previous True-Terrain will now optimize icons to reduce loading times.
- Icon paths are now displayed in the addon preferences
- Author tag in addon now matches the True-VFX standard
- Misc consistency and small quality of life changes in the Preferences
- Various changes to the remove functions in the Preferences to better match the expected default behavior
- Make Local is now multi-threaded and should be much faster
- Load From Previous is now multi-threaded and should be much faster
- Small quality of life changes to progress bars
- Accidental overwrite of previews causing ResourceWarning when unregistering
- Display the enum description when adding layers/modifiers
- Images would throw error if resizing was not needed
- Possible speed ups when opening Blender/registering addon
- Ensure name is given when adding new items in the preferences
- Ensure destination folder exists when adding a new icon
- Ensure the correct property when moving the active item up and down in the Preferences
- Heightmap icons being generated from the heightmaps upon import weren't converting correctly
True-Terrain v5.0.0.41
- Compatibility stuff with Macs
- Accidentally commented out the stuff that installs updates in Install Updates
True-Terrain v5.0.0.40
- Layer Range Mask: Use the height data from the current layer or the previous layers to blend the current layer with the next layer. This is useful for putting the current layer at specific places while keeping underlying details.
- Previous Layer | Current Layer: Choose to use the height data from the previous layer or the current layer as the source for this mask.
- Clamp: Clamp the values to the To Min and To Max values.
- From Min | From Max: The range of values to use from the source layer.
- Use Min | Use Max: Make the From Min and From Max values relative to the the minimum and maximum values from the source. The From Min and From Max values will then add to the minimum/maximum value. Good for easily getting the whole height range of the source layer into the To values.
- To Min | To Max: The range of values to map the from values to. 0.0 will result in the previous layers values, 1.0 will result in the current layers values.
- The Data terrain settings tab is now called Layer
- The terrain settings tabs now have better descriptions of what they display
- Moved Tweaking settings and their respective blending options to the new Layer Range mask (see above)
- Only display math options in Blending tab if Use Math is enabled
- Add in missing Invert and Add settings for Zero Edge Border mask
- Set the default values of the Zero Edge Border mask to ones consistent with the default terrain size being 1000m
- No more annoying 'WARN' messages on start up
- Added in missing Use Ridges setting in the Valley Mask's presets
- Added in missing descriptions to the Valley Mask's preset settings
True-Terrain v5.0.0.39
- Terrain Noise layers now have a transform gizmo similar to Height Map layers! The only difference is that the gizmo resets to the center of the terrain object instead of staying with the layer. This is so that the gizmo doesn't get lost when you move the layer around as if you go exploring your gizmo may be quite far off the edge of the terrain unlike you would do with a height map layer.
- Terrain Blur Mask Modifier: Blurs values of the masks that came before. Found under the Blending tab.
- Terrain Modifiers: What once was going to be 'Filter's in the Modifiers tab now is just modifiers since 'Masks' are now over in the Blender tab.
- Terrain Blur Modifier: Blurs the terrain geometry. Can switch between blurring just the Z axis or all axes. Found under the Modifiers tab.
- Terrain Inflate/Deflate Modifier: Inflate the terrain geometry to create larger features or switch to 'Deflate' and create sharp features. Found under the Modifiers tab.
- Default tab in the side panel is now the Geometry tab instead of the Shader tab as the workflow should typically start with the Geometry tab.
- Added a warning when attempting to bake out shader maps when a geometry nodes modifier is on the terrain object. Geometry nodes can create geometry that the baker doesn't see and may result in unexpected bakes.
- Moved what was previously called Masks in the Modifiers tab to the Blending tab for terrain layers. This is because the masks have always been used for blending and not for modifying the terrain's position data as might be expected when in the modifiers tab.
- Separate masks from mask modifiers for shading and geometry. Remap Values was the only one moved. Items in the "Mask Modifiers" section modify the mask data that comes from the layer before them. They aren't actually masks themselves.
- Masks Texture, Valley, and Remap Values had the wrong icons.
True-Terrain v5.0.0.38
- Added back in height maps as normal maps in the shader. Now when you add in a height map layer it will also add in a normal map if you have a shader on the terrain. Adding a shader to the terrain should add in all height maps currently on the terrain. Normal maps should be masked similarly to their respective height map layers.
- 'Install Update' now finishes with a popup that tells you to restart Blender and gives you buttons to close Blender now or wait until later.
- 'Install Update' should install to the correct place now. Also, if Debug is enabled (as it is by default) a bunch of debug info is sent to the terminal window to help out if this still doesn't work.
- Switching textures errored out if the "to" texture has less quality levels than the "from" texture and the "from" texture was at the highest quality level.
- Allow multiple terrains to be created in the same scene.
- Zoom out on creation of terrain doesn't happen if object is active but not selected. Now the terrain object ensures it is selected and then zooms out.
- Normal maps 'Strength' was not being calculated correctly.
True-Terrain v5.0.0.37
- Removed unnecessary height map preferences settings leftover from True-Terrain 4.x
- Renamed height map preferences setting 'Amount' to 'Height Multiplier'
- Removed option for importing setting from height map image name (never really used it)
- Option to use parallel importing/converting of directory of height maps. Setting can be found in the sidebar panel (right side) when selecting folder to import
- Removed Paint Mask for terrain layers. There's no good way to "paint" onto geometry created with geometry nodes just yet. Need to wait for Blender to implement attribute painting or something before reinstating this
- Better combining tweak algorithm. (Also previous/current have been flipped in the UI). Now the 'Tweak Current' is the main setting to work with first. Then mess with 'Tweak Previous.' Tweak Previous's "range" is altered by Tweak Current which is why the order has been flipped. If Tweak Previous seems to do nothing, mess with Tweak Current first.
- Zero Edge Border mask shape defaults now all expect the default terrain size of 1000m
- Some of the rounding algorithms for Zero Edge Border mask shapes have been modified for more consistent results.
- Converting Height Map EXRs to icons resulted in black icons on import
- Removing the active layer/modifier sometimes didn't work
- Moving terrain layers up/down caused the terrain to disappear from the viewport
- Hiding layers doesn't always show the expected result
- Zero Edge Border mask shape randomize 'amount' was not scaling correctly with the radius and whatnot
True-Terrain v5.0.0.36
- When using `Density` option in `Grid Settings` of `Geometry` there's now an option to set the X and Y sizing separately
- Set the viewport resolution to fraction of the render resolution with `Viewport Amount` in `Grid Settings`
- Display vertex count for grid at the bottom of `Grid Settings`
- Hid options that sometimes appear in the Redo Operator panel (bottom left) after moving, adding, or removing layers/modifiers.
- Adding terrain layers broke with last update
True-Terrain v5.0.0.35
- Install Update. This button in the Addon Preferences underneath the assets path will take the same addon zip that Blender's install addon does but it intelligently ignores the stuff Blender freaks out about.
- Moving a mask layer then removing it, then adding another layer would grab the removed layer's data
- Settings with descriptions not being able to be animated. (Refactor of the automatic description system)
- ZEB wasn't relative to layer's transform data for position and shape edge types.
True-Terrain v5.0.0.34
- Scene will be setup (clip start and end) and zoomed out when creating a new terrain.2. FIX: Stop trying to connect to non-existent socket for ZEB
- ZEB Shape: hide randomize settings when split is disabled, or hide whole randomize setting when split is enabled
- ZEB randomize settings per edge type and falloff and other fixes/changes to match other masks
- Remove Z value settings in the UI for the settings that don't use it
- Renamed "From Min" and "From Max" to "Tweak Previous" and "Tweak Current" in `Blending` section. If using existing pre v34, tweak values don't have limits. If creating in new file (ie not pulling from old node groups already existing in the file) the tweak values are now "limited" between 0 and 1, start at 0, and somewhat intelligently tweak the values. You can always go above or below 0/1 if needed by typing stuff in
- Refactored how the geo-nodes are setup leading to the following speed ups:
- Normal Mask: ~4.7x faster
- Slope Mask: ~4.2x faster
- Valley Mask: ~13.3x faster
True-Terrain v5.0.0.33
- Forgot to fix some filters in v32. Now all filters should show properly in the side panel
- Anti-Tile seed value was being driven by the edge blur setting
True-Terrain v5.0.0.32
- Filters weren't showing up in order to add in Shader tab
- UIs for some filters weren't showing up
True-Terrain v5.0.0.31
- Minimum Blender version is now Blender 3.6
- Zero Edge Border falloff now works as expected
- First layer of Terrain System now accepts negative values
True-Terrain v5.0.0.30
- Terrain Layer System Update! Added whole system to generate terrain procedurally. You can mix heightmaps with procedural elements too! There's honestly too much new to list everything
True-Terrain v5.0.0.20
- Shader Presets
- Remap Values modifier. Ensure mask values are between specific values (useful for filter input masks)
- Whole material normal map. Add in a normal map for the whole terrain itself (for things like Height Maps)
- Subdivision Panel
- Shader setting tabs (Shader/Modifiers and Mask/Filter) no longer change when you change shader layers
- Paint Mask randomize and falloff changes
- Falloff now always extends into the black area (when previewing) regardless of inverting
- Shader Layer Factor renamed to Opacity
- Muting a layer/modifier now correctly shows the layers/modifiers before it
- Random Bake operator fixes
True-Terrain v5.0.0.18
- Details Strength and Details Depth settings now in the `Material Settings` of a shader layer
- If the default material (Principled BSDF connected to the Material Output) is detected on object when adding a material it will automatically remove it
- Texture Mask now has option of using a UV Map instead of position data
- Texture Mask (and Paint Mask) Added search for attributes that finds attributes after modifiers are calculated (evaluated)
- Remove all Assets of type and Remove All Quality Levels options in their respective dropdown menus in the addon prefs
- Import From Previous new option to clear existing assets before importing new ones plus progress bar for removing assets
- Paint Mask - Replaces Attribute Mask - Workflow designed around quickly adding a mask that you can paint on - Allows for painting on Attributes (vertex colors) or and image (or using an existing image)
- Default displacement behavior is Displacement Only
- Option to change displacement from panel as new method is best at Displacement Only and we don't want to advertise anything else
- Remove Active Item (Minus symbol next to asset (textures) list and quality level lists in addon prefs) now removes the data and any local files of that texture by default. ALT Click to remove the texture data from within TT but keep all image files in their folder in the asset directory)
- No longer will TT5 put the assets folder inside the scripts folder by default
- Texture Mask now has added scale finesse setting
- Anti-Tile correctly shows when it's enabled after being copied and pasted
- Vector UI elements should no longer be at different indentions than non-Vector UI elements
- Creating a new texture asset in the addon prefs now works
- When moving textures around in the textures list in the addon prefs their new order was not represented in the icon pickers in the 3D Viewport
True-Terrain v5.0.0.17
- In the transform panels of any texture, group, or procedural (that has one) the 3 axes scale has been replaced with just a single float slider for easier scaling. A toggle has been added next to the scale slider to see the Scale Finesse or 3 axes scale version. Scale Finesse is multiplied by the scale factor, so take that into account
- Holding Alt when clicking the Move Selected to Group button will now move the selected layers up a level, ie out of the group layer
- Favorites category. There's now a heart to the right of the shader's name. - Clicking this will automatically put it in the Favorites category (will create if it doesn't exist already) and the heart will now be colored red for that and any other textures in the favorites category. - Clicking the heart when red will remove it from the favorites category. - Alt+Click the heart will make the Favorites category the active category
- Shader Tab will now be the default active tab when opening blender until the other tabs have stuff in them
- Move Selected to Group has its own icon apart from the Add Group Layer button
- Better Previewing UX - Alt+Click Shader Preview toggles between local and global previewing and removes any modifier preview - Group Layers are now dimly colored to show they hold the layer that is being previewed - Previewing a shader inside a group layer actually works now - Previewing a modifier and then previewing another modifier on a different shader layer no longer shows that first modifier is active - When previewing a shader layer and then a modifier the UI no longer shows the shader layer as being previewed. After un-previewing that modifier the shader layer will once again show as being previewed - Previewing a shader layer inside a group and then another layer outside of that group now correctly reattaches the necessary sockets
- Reset to defaults no longer errors out if the input is not in a node group
- Sometimes the indices of a layer or modifier would be wrong after pasting
True-Terrain v5.0.0.16
- Switching between procedurals and textures when modifiers exist on the shader layer cannot find modifiers after switching
- Shader Speed Up shows off but is on (is inverted)
- Loading from procedural blend during addon startup. Hopeful fix for all the crashing upon opening/enabling
- Changing quality level of last (bottom) shader layer disables modifiers
- Moved addon update check for after everything is loaded
True-Terrain v5.0.0.14
- More lenient Import from Previous functionality for textures
True-Terrain v5.0.0.13
- More intuitive Copy/Paste shader layer system - Removed the copy paste buttons from the shader layer box dropdown - The copy now intuitively copies based upon context (active or selected layer(s)) - Paste brings up panel with paste options (Paste as new, paste to selected, paste settings, shader item (texture/procedural shader), etc)
- Change texture only changing the active (highlighted) shader layer instead of the one clicked
- Potential fix for bug when change texture categories do not include the active texture
- Texture quality levels are visible on group layers
- Copying the Valley Mask modifier results in bug due to not having a falloff curve node
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December 15, 2023
November 28, 2024
Author |
Zach @ True-VFX
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