Use Blender's powerful shader nodes to texture your beautiful terrains!
Getting Started
First thing to do is choose an installed texture and quality level or one of the procedural shaders in the right hand viewport panel.
Then click the large `Add layer` button.
This will make the selected object as the pinned object.
From here you can add more layers, change the settings in the `Shader` tab, blend your layers so they only show up in certain sections from the `Mask` tab, or modifiy the layer's coloring in the `Filter` tab.
See below for more explanation on each section:
Two options are available for terrain shading: Textures and Procedurals. Choosing one of these will choose what picker you can use to add a new layer to the material.
Textures are PBR image maps installed into True-Terrain.
Procedurals are shaders that aren't based upon images. They are infinitely detailed and will have many different options per procedural shader that can be customized.
Search for an installed texture.
Cateogry and Subcategory
Change these to see textures in different groupings. You can edit categories and subcategories in the Preferences.
Item Picker
Click the image to choose a texture/procedural item for a new layer.
Quality Level
Choose a quality level (texture resolution) for when adding a new layer.
Add Layer
Add a new layer with the current texture and quality level or procedural item as the active item.
If no True-Terrain material has been added, clicking Add Layer will create a new material to the active object and add a new layer.
Add Group Layer
Add a new group layer.
Delete Layer
Delete layer(s).
If no layers have been selected (check box to the left of each layer) this will remove the active layer (the highlighted layer).
If layers are selected they will all be removed.
Hold Alt to remove the active layer regardless of layer selection.
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