
Getting Started

Shader Global Settings

Material Name

Change the name of the True-Terrain material

Note: Only one True-Terrain material is expected to be placed onto a mesh at a time.

Shader Speed Up

Enabling this toggle will tell Blender to cut some corners when rendering to speed up renders. A 10% reduction in render time was noticed while testing. Will change how indirect light affects objects. Also, no known problems with Eevee but Eevee is already a bunch of estimations and cutting corners so unexpected results may occur.

Remove Material

Delete the True-Terrain material off the active object.

Material Settings

Normal Strength

Strength of the normal mapping effect

Details Strength

Strength of the bump mapping effect

Details Depth

Multiplier for the height value to control the overall distance of the details

Displacement Midlevel

Neutral displacement value that causes no displacement

Displacement Scale

Vary the amount of displacement

Terrain Detail Map

Apply a normal or bump map to the entire terrain. Useful if you are using a non-True-Terrain terrain with a height map and want to use the normal/bump/displacement map for extra detail in the shader.

Detail Map

The normal/bump/displacement map to use for the entire terrain

Detail Type

Choose between normal or bump (black and white, could technically also be displacement)

UV Source

From where to grab the UV Map. If using a geometry nodes create object you will want/need to choose `Attribute` and select the stored UVs attribute.

UV Map

The the UV Layer of the mesh to use for mapping the terrain detail map onto the mesh.

UV Attribute

The the attribute of the mesh or geometry nodes that has stored UV values to use for mapping the terrain detail map onto the mesh.


Translate the terrain detail map


Rotate the terrain detail map


Resize the terrain detail map

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

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Block quote

Ordered list

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Unordered list

  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C

Text link

Bold text




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October 30, 2024
October 30, 2024


Author |
Zach @ True-VFX
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Table of Contents

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